Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Iuka Yellow Creek Pipe by Austin Beard

We discovered this fullpipe about a year or two ago. We saw the old NASA Yellow Creek nuclear facility and somehow we just knew there was a full pipe in there. So we hopped a few fences and there it was. There was some mud and turds in the bottom but I was riding Kaleb's board so I didn't give a dubli. Anyway we finally went back and had a BLAST! We headed up there the night before, blasting tunes from a 80's pop radio station. After Pierce used a skate tool to unhinge the gate we gave the pipe a quick look around then we camped out and got up early and got some doo-doo-rrhea breakfast and went for the pipe. Took us like 20 minutes to clean it out. I'm thinking its probably like 14 feet tall so its a little tight but still really good. Its pretty long too so we were getting good runs up and down the shit. Pierce jumped of the top of the thing and a nail went through his damn foot. He kicked the board off his foot and just kept skating. Also perfect camping conditions. We slept on the bank of the river with a perfect driftwood fire goin all night. There is also clean, never been used portable shitters like a hundred feet away from the pipe so thats a good foundation for layin them Mississippi mud bricks. Also like 5 minutes away is an ass-kickin waterfall with a rope swing going off the top. Its a good 25 foot drop into a clear-blue lake. If you are down for a good camp/skate sesh, this is the definitely the place to go. Just dont go to the chinese buffet there it sucks.

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